Class focus this week – Balance and Forward Roll

This week we worked on focusing on balance while kicking and striking our heavy bag. This is referenced in our rule "A tree cannot stand without a root". Students need to learn balance before, during and after any technique so it will make the next one easier. We also worked on forward roll without using hands or head touching the…

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Comments on our style.

I would like to take a minute to address some comments that I always seems to see on every karate site I visit.  I always see visitiors that claim that their style is "better" or "the best".  To those people I will say that you are truely a novice and need to open your mind in regard to other styles…

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Welcome Message

Welcome Students! On this site you will find techniques and requirements to progress to higher belt ranks in our karate system. This is not an all inclusive list as it would not be possible for me to list "everything" you will learn in class. As we progress, I will be adding content, pictures, and videos to this site. It will…

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