Online Store Grand Opening
We would like to announce the Grand Opening of our New Online Store. Please browse the store for some nice Mckeown's Dojo branded clothing. Browse the Store
We would like to announce the Grand Opening of our New Online Store. Please browse the store for some nice Mckeown's Dojo branded clothing. Browse the Store
Tonight our new, and older students, worked on correct form and accuracy while using a tool called "Bust It" created by Grand Master Moran. (more info on Bust It here The students had a lot of fun while learning that their striking techniques could use some improvement.
This week we welcomed Lilly, Hayden and Owen to the class. Hope I spelled their names correctly. We also worked on some basic moves and went over some forward rolls.
This week we worked on focusing on balance while kicking and striking our heavy bag. This is referenced in our rule "A tree cannot stand without a root". Students need to learn balance before, during and after any technique so it will make the next one easier. We also worked on forward roll without using hands or head touching the…
Some words of wisdom I have heard from other carreers but fits well with Martial Arts "Do not train until you succeed. Train until you cannot fail"
Did you get on a bicycle the first time and ride off into the sunset? Did you pick up that baseball bat and hit your first curveball out of the park? Did you bake that first cake from scratch and then actually like the taste of it?... My guess would be "No" to all of the above questions. I mention…
I would like to take a minute to address some comments that I always seems to see on every karate site I visit. I always see visitiors that claim that their style is "better" or "the best". To those people I will say that you are truely a novice and need to open your mind in regard to other styles…
Greetings. I have added some more belt material to the site for our students. Please check back for more info. Thanks Sensei Scott
Welcome Students! On this site you will find techniques and requirements to progress to higher belt ranks in our karate system. This is not an all inclusive list as it would not be possible for me to list "everything" you will learn in class. As we progress, I will be adding content, pictures, and videos to this site. It will…