Comments on our style.

I would like to take a minute to address some comments that I always seems to see on every karate site I visit.  I always see visitiors that claim that their style is “better” or “the best”.  To those people I will say that you are truely a novice and need to open your mind in regard to other styles and systems before you will ever master any style.

I have been practicing martial arts for over 20 years and I am still a student of the arts. I regularly find students that show me things that I have never seen before that we explore as a group or individually. I have never stated that our system is better than any other. I may point out differences between styles and how indivual students may find that they like or are better at certain techniques than others but in my opinion there is no one best martial art…if there was then everyone would practice that one.

Karate for sport and tournaments is completely different than street fighting and real self defense. I encourage students to try various styles of martial arts if one does not “fit” their own skills, abilites or goals.

Shodan or Sensei or Master is only a title. We are all in reality still students.

Rant over.

Sensei Scott

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